Réinscription en deuxième année

Preamble :

Like the first registration, you must obtain a certificate of payment of the student and campus life contribution (CVEC) from the CROUS, and then you must complete your administrative registration with the "Scolarité" Office no later than October 30 of the current academic year. You will not be considered as registered at the University until your administrative registration has been validated by the issue of a university student card. For the 2022-2023 academic year, the deadline for finalising the application for re-enrollment on ADUM is October 4, 2022 in order to be able to make the administrative registration by November 4, 2022 (incompressible date).

2nd year registration:

For UCA, please use your  ADUM account, if needed, see USER GUIDE
For PSL, use your ADUM account.

I. For the second year registration, you have to fill-in the names of the members of your personal monitoring committee on ADUM and also you need to fill-in and upload  the "rapport d'activité de première année".

Once you have filled-in this form, submit it on ADUM. Look under the tab " Déroulement Doctorat " under the heading " Industrial Collaboration ". You will find a field titled "Déposez votre rapport d'activité / d'avancement 2021-2022" . This is where you will upload the completed form.
II. In addition, you will need to complete the « convention de formation individuelle» (in French). Here is what you can fill in under two of the headings. 
Under the heading:
« Conditions matérielles de la réalisation du projet de recherche, le cas échéant, les conditions de sécurité spécifiques » 
At a minimum, you will indicate the following sentence that allows for the coverage of the indicated subheadings:
« Par défaut, les conditions matérielles de réalisation du projet de recherche sont déterminées par le règlement intérieur de l'unité de recherche d'accueil. »
Then you will add what you consider useful.
Under the heading:
« Modalités d'encadrement, de suivi de la formation et d'avancement des recherches de la thèse »
You will indicate at least the following sentence that will cover the indicated sub-headings:
« La soutenance est conditionnée à la validation de 90h de formation doctorales réparties comme suit:
- 30h de formations scientifiques
- 30h de formations professionnalisantes
- 30h au choix.
Le candidat devra valoriser son travail par des publications dans des revues, conférences, séminaires ou journées thématiques  du domaine de ... » (to be completed with your supervisor)
Then you will add what you consider useful.
III. When you have completed everything, a tab will ask you to submit your « convention de formation individuelle (CIF)» to your supervisor for his opinion (see attached screenshot). He will receive an email asking him to do it, but do not hesitate to remind him if you see that it is not done. Then, you have to download the CIF validated by your supervisor, section "convention de formation". Print the document to PDF format, (mandatory signatures of the doctoral student and the thesis director) and upload it on ADUM in the same tab "training agreement" in the "upload a file" box. You can now finalize your request which will be transmitted, and you will only have to wait for validation by the Doctoral School.

The forms must be completed by June 20st.
Once ED STIC has decided, an email from the secretary will inform you of the decision and will contain (if all goes well) the renewal authorization.